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Press & Contact

Need a guest for an upcoming family history webinar? 
High resolution cover image and author photos available upon request. 


Olivia McCoy, Publicist


(856) 489-8654  xt 1022

1415 Marlton Pike East, Suite 402

Cherry Hill, NJ 08034  USA

Woman in pink track suit with yellow headband, man in blue tracksuit and red hat. Man uses one of his walking poles to point at something. Both people look surprised.

Huge thanks to everyone posting comments and star ratings at retailers' websites. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

“Oh, come on, admit it. I’m the obscure, jolly cousin everyone assumes lives alone in a timber-framed cottage with a thriving herb garden and eleven cats. I’m also completely forgotten until needed. Except by you. You never missed a birthday or Christmas card. Thank you!”

Drawing of redhead singer Gertie in floral dress, holding microphone.

"The knowledgeable staff were simply excellent at helping everyone from the novice to the advanced researcher find out more about their ancestry. Most staff were eager seniors, researchers who finally had the time to dedicate themselves to this intriguing pastime. It was certainly not uncommon to walk in and be greeted by a sea of grins and eager faces, wondering what puzzle on a family tree a visitor had brought them today."

Drawing of Family History Society building with thatched roof and cream walls.
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